Tort Law Revision


tort law revision bricks

Tort Law Quiz

Test yourself on the principles of tort law.

This quiz selects 50 random questions from the Ipsa Loquitur Tort Law question bank, so the quiz will be different each time you take it. To take all the questions on a particular subject, visit that subject's revision page.


1 / 50

When does a person breach their duty of care?

2 / 50

If a claimant acquires a cause of action but dies in the process or is subsequently killed, what happens to the cause of action?

3 / 50

If the defendant touches the claimant accidentally but refuses to end the contact when asked, has the defendant committed the tort of battery?


4 / 50

Is a latent defect in a building or property pure economic loss?

5 / 50

Which of the following are the four categories of primary victim when determining if there is a duty to prevent psychiatric harm?

6 / 50

When is a product 'defective' for the purposes of the Consumer Protection Act 1987?

7 / 50

The claimant alleges that the practical manner in which the local authority implemented a decision harmed them. When will a duty of care be owed by the local authority?

8 / 50

The tort of false imprisonment is actionable per se. True or false?

9 / 50

For the purposes of the tort of battery, has the defendant 'directly' touched the claimant if they do so through an object or by setting a trap to later trigger and touch them?


10 / 50

The claimant is a trespasser on the defendant's land. They encounter an unlocked door with a sign saying 'keep out', which they read. They open the door and walk through, where they injure themselves by falling in a pit. Assuming that a duty of care is owed under the Occupiers Liability Act 1984, has the defendant fulfilled that duty by placing a 'keep out' sign on the door?

11 / 50

In what three situations will the courts label touching as 'hostile' for the purposes of the tort of battery?

12 / 50

What standard of care is imposed on children in the tort of negligence?

13 / 50

What is the consequence of proving contributory negligence?

14 / 50

To establish the tort of intentional infliction of harm, what does the defendant have to intend to inflict on the claimant?

15 / 50

Is there general liability for a failure to act in English Law?


16 / 50

Which 5 factors are relevant to whether the defendant has breached a duty of care they owe in negligence?

17 / 50

What must the claimant who is a trespasser show to demonstrate that a duty is owed to them under the Occupiers Liability Act 1984? (Three answers)

18 / 50

What kinds of damage cannot be recovered using a claim under the Consumer Protection Act 1987?

19 / 50

Can a defendant rely on the defence of volenti non fit injuria if the claimant understood the risk but was disinhibited by drugs or drink?


20 / 50

For the purposes of establishing the rule in Rylands v Fletcher, what is a non-natural use?

21 / 50

If the escape in issue in a Rylands v Fletcher kind of case was caused by an act of nature, is the defendant liable?

22 / 50

For the purposes of the defences to the Consumer Protection Act 1987, when is 'the relevant time'? (Three answers)

23 / 50

Do the police owe victims a duty of care when investigating crime?

24 / 50

Which two elements must be demonstrated to show that there is a 'close connection' between the tort and the defendant's relationship with the primary tortfeasor for the purposes of vicarious liability?

25 / 50

Can liability be excluded for a breach of the Occupiers Liability Act 1984?

26 / 50

Do local authorities owe citizens a duty to warn them that they are in danger?


27 / 50

In the context of contributory negligence, what does it mean to say that the claimant contributed to the occurrence of the loss or its extent? (Three answers)

28 / 50

The claimant has sued the defendant for false imprisonment. They claim that they initially consented to the detention, but later withdrew their consent. The defendant shows that it would be very costly and inconvenient to put this withdrawal of consent into effect. Is the defendant liable for false imprisonment?


29 / 50

There is a presumption that a breach of health and safety statutes give rise to a separate action for breach of statutory duty. True or false?

30 / 50

How does a claimant establish factual causation in tort?

31 / 50

The claimant alleges that a local authority failed to exercise a statutory discretion which does not involve policy considerations, and caused them harm. When does the local authority owe them a duty of care in this scenario?

32 / 50

What must the defendant demonstrate to establish contributory negligence? (Two answers)

33 / 50

What two criteria must be established for the doctrine of res ipsa loquitur to apply in negligence?

34 / 50

Which factors indicate that Parliament did intend for a particular statutory provision to give rise to a separate action for breach of statutory duty? (Two answers)

35 / 50

For the purposes of occupier's liability, who is a visitor?

36 / 50

Which test applies when determining whether there is a duty of care in non-novel cases?

37 / 50

To what standard is a professional or person with special skills held to in negligence?

38 / 50

What are the 'trio of considerations' when establishing the defence of illegality?

39 / 50

The defendant is being sued for breach of the rule in Rylands v Fletcher. The escape was caused by the deliberate act of a third party. Is the defendant liable?

40 / 50

Can something which is inherent in how the product operates constitute a defect for the purposes of the Consumer Protection Act 1987?

41 / 50

What three factors indicate that damages in lieu of an injunction should be granted in an injunction claim?

42 / 50

What are the elements for determining whether a prohibitory injunction should be granted? (Three answers)

43 / 50

Which factors indicate that Parliament did not intend for a particular statutory provision to give rise to a separate action for breach of statutory duty? (Four answers)

44 / 50

What must be shown to establish public nuisance?

45 / 50

What two matters must the defendant show to establish the defence of volenti non fit injuria?

46 / 50

What five matters must the claimant prove to show that the defendant owes them a non-delegable duty of care?

47 / 50

What are the elements for determining whether a mandatory injunction should be granted? (Four answers)

48 / 50

Do the police owe a duty of care to suspects or witnesses when investigating crime?


49 / 50

When is the manner in which the harm was caused relevant to remoteness of damage?

50 / 50

If the claimant is a secondary victim, when will the courts presume that they shared a close tie of love and affection with someone injured in the event? (3 answers)

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